After you dowloaded the EXE file, open it by double-clicking it. If Windows asks if you would like changes to be made to your computer, confirm it by clicking "Yes". Otherwise WISE-FTP can#t be installed. Afterwards the WISE-FTP installer will start and a wizard will guide you through the installation.
There a several different was to start WISE-FTP: Double-click the WISE-FTP icon on your desktop or launch it over the Start Menu. To do this, click on the Start Orb on the left of the task bar, then click on "All Programs", "AceBIT and open the folder called WISE-FTP. Clicking on WISE-FTP will start the software.
In Windows 8 and 8.1 you can also start WISE-FTP through the Modern UI by clicking the WISE-FTP tile.
A dialog will pop-up and ask if you are sure that you want to uninstall the software. Click on "Yes" to confirm this and WISE-FTP will then be removed from your computer.
Im sich öffnenden Fenster bestätigen Sie mit "Ja", dass Sie WISE-FTP wirklich deinstallieren möchten. Anschließend wird die Software von Ihrem Rechner entfernt.
Operating System: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 (either 32- oder 64-bit)
CPU: 1 GHz Intel Pentium IV oder höher
RAM: min. 512 MB
50 MB free disk space